Sunday, March 18, 2018


You could actually see quite a bit of game from the viewpoint of our camp and one afternoon a pride of lions showed up about 400-500 meters away-

Kind of like me, you could see them laze about in the heat, watching the wildebeasts and other animals from afar-

The guide said that the wildebeast- not the smartest of animals- sometimes would forget that they were there and then wander down to the water hole....pretty much a one time mistake.  We counted 12 lions- all females, young lions and cubs.  

The next day we set out on 2nd morning walk and as we descended a river bank, the lead guide halted and then pointed- the whole pride of lions was there including 2 large males not 40 yards away (we had almost walked into them)-

As I was readying my camera for more shots, a cub came over the bank toward us- maybe 25 ft away- and the guide broke the silence and yelled "Move!!!  Get away!!!"

We turned and quickly walked in the other direction and the guides readied their rifles.  They were very concerned that the lioness would follow to protect her cub and then attack us.  They can be on you in flash the guide said and then take you down in an instant.  

Fortunately, the cub looked back for its mother and then headed back down the bank and then all the lions- there had to be 12-15 of them (big beautiful animals)- scattered up the other side of the riverbank.  I was unable to take any more photos, but it was quite an exciting encounter.  

1 comment:

  1. Well, there goes my money in the pool. So close though with lions!

