Sunday, March 11, 2018

A visit to Zambia and an unexpected swim...

As I mentioned, VF fashions itself as an adventure activity centre, similar to SA or New Zealand.   So it has lots of different activities and when I got to my hotel, the activity guy asked me which activities I planned to do.  Not wanting to look like some fat American slacker, I said 'Of coure, I plan to do activities while I am here, the more reckless, the better.  But which ones do you recommend?'

He suggested a couple, but I focused on a couple of super active meal type activities and found a 'Breakfast and Swim on Livingstone Island' in Zambia for $105 (Zambia is on one side of the river and Zimbabwe is on the other side).

 As I like swimming and breakfast in equal measure, I signed up for that.  I thought it had to be one hell of breakfast and nice swim for $105 and so did no other research into the activity.  I figured it would be some pleasant swim BELOW the Falls in some interesting swirling water with lots of spray from the Falls and then a great breakfast.  I gave it no further thought, tho the activity coordinator gave me a strange look.

My first hint that I might be mistaken re the nature of the activity occurred when I got in the boat with a bunch of 20 somethings and noticed that we were ABOVE the Falls.  I noted that we were speeding along somewhat uncomfortably close to the Falls, perhaps 200 yds or so, and thought it was a good thing we had 2 outboard motors, as an engine failure could leave us perilously close to the falls.  Well a little adventure was good, no?   Ah, no.  Little did I realize, this was the 'safe' part of the activity.

We landed on Livingstone Island which ends about 2 ft from the Falls. If you look on this photo, it is in the middle right against the Falls-

  But I still thought we would find some safe, sheltered pool to swim in a nice comfortable distance from the Falls where there was no possibility of being swept down stream.

Suddenly I gathered that the whole idea of this 'swim and breakfast' activity was to get in the water as close to the Falls as you could for some ridiculous adrenalin rush which in reality meant about 10ft from the edge of the Falls.  Great, just great.  Just what I always wanted to do- some stupid dare devil thing one slip away from death.

  So you got in the river with some fearless dancing 130 lb guide literally a few feet from the falls  and sit there for some preposterous photo op.  A view from the shore of the Island-

What the hell?  Why not just sit on the edge and dangle your feet over the falls?  One slip and whoosh!  you were over the falls.  At least you would not have time to think about it.   Don't I look comfortable-

Finishing my 'activity', I returned and toured the Falls from the Zambia side where they have you walk close to the Falls and get incredibly wet (like pouring rain).  With the rain, roar, and water volume,  it was a sensory experience by itself-

Returning at the end of the day, I finally found my kind of place to swim-

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