Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Left Buenos Aires and headed to the Iguazu Falls in the far northeast part of the country.  I ended up quite liking BA- more than I thought I would.  Maybe it was the fact that you could get a nice steak dinner with a bottle of good Argenina wine for less than half what you would spend in the US that won me over. The way to many mens hearts is really through their wallets, I am  afraid.

One thing I forgot to mention about the different 100 peso bills.  According to my guide, the Argentine govt simply could not print them fast enough- despite their contention of an inflation-free zone in Argentina- so they asked Brazil to help them.  Brazil said ok, but they could not print them with all of the serial number and other fonts and that they were not going to change their priinting system to do so- and Argentina would have to take it or leave it.  Of course, the Argentina govt took it, though it obviouwly needed it a better solution.

Fortuitously, it turned out that the VP of Argentina had a contact- his brother in law as matter of fact- who could handle the printing.  A contract was signed, the bills printed.  Regretably, in the rush, some mistakes were made and many of bills have the personage depicted with his head half cut off or his nose missing, etc, etc.  An investigation has been launched, but corruptiion has thankfully been ruled out as a possibility.

Took the bus to Iguazu yesterday- was supposed to be a 17 hour overnight bus ride, but ended up being 19 hours (who was counting though?)  The Argentine buses are supposed to be the best in the world- and in fact it was quite comfortable with dinner (with wine), breakfast and snacks served and the seat reclining to about 160 degrees.  Still, 17 hours would have been plenty.  Thankfully we were not charged for the extra 2.

After getting to Iguazu, walked to my hotel with my backpack (about a mile away with the usual wrong turns, etc.).  Forgot what is like in the tropics- the heat and humidity are very intense.  When I got to the hotel, there was nothing left of me except  the backpack and a puddle of water underneath my yellow hat.

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