Sunday, February 8, 2015

I got lost yesterday and added a 5 miles and 2 hours to my hike (which was long enough anyway, maybe 14 miles).  I have to be in good shape just to be able to recover from my ongoing stupidity.  Problem with hiking by yourself.  I should have noticed something amiss after leaving the main trail- which had 100s of people on it (coming down from the top was like joining Rte 93 at rush hour- and suddenly there was hardly anyone around. I thought it was because I was hiking so fast, but it was really because I had made a wrong turn.

You do get glimpses of the towers of Fitz Roy- which truly does have a unique profile (perhaps the most impressive peak I have ever seen)- but they are fleeting.   A couple more pics from yesterday..


  1. Aha! I bet this is where your astute daughter and niece would have come in handy to yell across the valley at the man in the yellow hat that he had ignored all the signs and blasted off in the wrong direction. On more than one occasion.....

  2. Some amazing pictures. Also some amazing lack of sense of direction.

  3. Like a page out of the Eddie Bauer catalog.......but where's the bomber?
