Thursday, March 9, 2017

Melbourne- clocks, an unusual sale and square

Before I left Tasmania, as I had little time, I drove up to the top of Mt. Wellington far above the capital city of Hobart where I sadly discovered that the view is pretty much the same whether one hikes or drives-

I then flew to Melbourne, which is an interesting and lively city and which appears to have some sort of complex re Sydney.  One of its most famous rendezvous places is 'under the clocks', a pretty early 20th century Edwardian building-

Melbourne is somewhat famous for its shopping and indeed one can find almost anything for sale there.  Exactly why someone would want the below is not clear to me, but obviously you can get a great buy on one of these here-

It seems in its effort to keep up with Sydney that is fancies itself a bit like Paris-

But it does have a pretty profile from certain perspectives-

Apparently, in its effort to 'outdo' Sydney, it held an architectural competition designed to create a square that it thought might create its own 'Opera House'.  Unfortunately, by my walking guide's admission, it actually only created the 'world's ugliest square-

San Marco of Venice it ain't.  Then it apparently tried street art-

Quite a descent from Michelangelo. Insecurity can make you do some strange things.

But it is a city possessed of a vast and dizzying array of different shops, cafes, bars and restaurants, which are actually not all that expensive.  I thought it a fun city.

Moreover, I finally found a place that appreciated my cycling skills-

1 comment:

  1. Street art shows that Valpo it ain't, either. -Sam
