Tuesday, March 14, 2017

a convict myself...

I think it must be all the speed cameras on the highways.  I had heard that if you got caught repeatedly speeding, the Aussies will quickly revoke your license and then inflect other harsh penalties upon you… Whatever the transgression, yesterday I was arrested, slapped in chains and sent to this penal colony near Uluru known as the ‘Ayer’s Rock Resort’ in the middle of the outback. 
Initially I was thrown into this prison like room- block 3, cell 806-

Whereupon, I found that all of my mates were young Chinese males….  Like some 19th century time warp, I had been assigned to this Chinese labor gang!  This despite the fact that I speak not a word of Mandarin and they only the single English word- ‘ok.  Shortly thereafter, we were assigned to a ‘rock breaking detail’ and sent by camels deep into the desert to study the ‘big red rock’ that apparently was to be our life’s work and punishment (Uluru)-

Looking back to the other famous site here-  Kata Tjuta- was very pretty at sunset, even on the camel convict trail-

As did the sunset over Uluru itself-

(the camel ride at sunset was way cool- the guide was informative and entertaining and knew a lot about camels).  

Though officially discouraged, I planned to climb Uluru the next day, which requires you to get there before 8 am as they close it after that due to heat.  I got there in plenty of time, but discovered that the trail is very difficult to find on the big rock-

As it turned out, the trail was closed all day due to high winds.  While I was there pondering the situation, this rather portly hiker- not sure I wanted him as our hiking representative- was arguing with a park ranger about why the trail was closed for the day and whether he would not reconsider and open it if the winds dropped. The ranger said that, no, that was it closed for the day even if the winds dropped later, as the temperature was always too high after 8 am (it was already after 8).  The fellow then asked, “Well, what if the temperature dropped during the day?”  I am no expert, but I have not heard that the temperature often drops during the day…in the desert.  And the ranger, after giving the fellow a quizzical look, appeared to agree. 

So I went over and hiked a trail near Kata Tjuta-

 Then back to my prison cell- poor accomodations and high priced and mediocre food...

1 comment:

  1. So Ken whats the cost difference on a half camel vs the whole thing..I notice everyone else buddied up? Your camel does seem quite happy though it even smiled-ish for the camera.
