Saturday, July 15, 2023

Vezelay, Girl Scouts and Romanesque on Steroids

 On my way to Beaune for another grueling segment of the KV of the TdF, I stopped in Vezelay to view the famous Basilica of St Madelaine,, a rare church dedicated to Mary Magdaline, who was originally (before 1200) believed to be buried here.  The church is famous as one of the best preserved examples of the Romanesque style, which predated the Gothic style.  Romanesque dominated medieval architecture before 1100 when the Gothic style emerged. And this church had elements going back into the 800s when it was originally founded by monks.

You can see indicia of the Romanesque in the thick walls, small windows, barrel arches and square tower-

The seemingly endless colored ceiling arches were quite impressive.  

A top the pillars are some famous scenes including this one of Moses and St. Paul loading a wheat basket-

The Romanesque style also seems to attract girl scouts as I saw the largest troupe I have ever seen walking by in Vezelay (all girls apparently as well)-

On my way out of Vezelay, I saw this huge field of sunflowers-

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