Sunday, July 23, 2023

Liberte, Equalitie, Fraternitie; Medieval Scaffolding; Surprisingly Friendly Parisians

 Paris is known for its small cars, modest houses and culture of understatement and humility-

Went to this house in the suburbs called  Versailles where I found  myself pretty much alone in the famous hall of mirrors-

I think it would have been possible to squeeze a couple more people in there.

But I think this somewhat  monotonous place captures  the spirit of the Commune and Libertie, Equalitie and Fraternatie and the French Revolution-

I have never seen a better example of Gothic scaffolding than what is in place at Notre Dame Cathedral.  IF you like scaffolding, this is as good as it gets-

ONe small part where there were gargoyles were yet affected by the scaffolding, but maybe their turn is coming-

Actually, the story of its reconstruction was quite interesting simply by itself.  The French are taking the opportunity to really clean and restore the Cathedral.  It seems to be going well.  It will be something to see when they take the 15 stories of scaffolding down. They are trying hard to finish by 2024.  It is an impressive effort.  

In fact, All of Paris seems to be undergoing renovation as they get ready for the 2024 Olympics.  Setting humor aside for one short moment, the City of Light really is a beautiful and stunning place with seemingly endless beautiful and awesome monuments, boulevards, churches and museums and.... cafes.  

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