Saturday, July 22, 2023

Bubbly Reims; Fishing Dogs and Smiling Angels

 The French really do not know how to pronounce Reims, home of the famous cathedral where 27 kings were crowned rulers of France beginning in the 800s (tho Clovis- king of the Franks-  was baptized here in 497, getting a jump on things).   They seem to say 'Rems' when those more fluent say 'Reams'.  Whatever, they have a Gothic cathedral that is that equal of any in the world-

It is truly stunning and awe inspiring.  Notre Dame is not really a match IMO-

It famously includes the smiling angel (from c. 1250)-

But almost 800 years is a long time to hold a smile.  I guess it gives new meaning to the term 'frozen smile'  

They even dogs that search for fish in the fountains-

Not sure he came away with much.   

But Reims is also the centre of the Champagne region.  I found the place somewhat effervescent and the caves more congenial than those of Fort Douamont in Verdun-