Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Hike from Hell; and toll keepers

 I decided today to hike a volcano (or volcan if you know espanol) about 45 minutes north of Otavalo near a famous lake called Laguna Mohanda.  So I hired a taxi and sped (literally) over very rough roads to the Laguna (some Ecuadorian roads rival those of Costa Rica).  The sky was cloudy but I hoped it would clear.  

Well, it started off with a nice view of the Laguna and surrounding mountains and looked a little promising-

The trail was quite muddy and slippery, but I was hoping it would clear and perhaps be a little better farther on.  Well, the clouds did not so much clear as get lower and worse. 

 Eventually it began to rain, at least until it began to sleet or maybe snow.  I am not sure as I was too busy slipping in the mud and I couldn't see anything anyway.  Of course it was very steep and I had lost some of my acclimization in the Galapagos and so it was pretty arduous.  Finally I stumbled my way to the summit where I got this stupendous view-

Of course, the fun really began on the descent when the rain made the mud just a slippery soup.  It didn't help that I then broke one of my hiking poles while sliding about in the mud.  All this with a shaky back.  By the end I had taken numerous spills and looked liked someone who had just wrestled with a pig (and the pig had definitely won).  

I returned to the parking area and found the taxi driver irritated and pointing at his watch (seeming having little sympathy for my soaking and mud induced state).  He was right of course, as I was over an hour late returning, though I don't know how anyone could do it in the prescribed time, particularly under those conditions.  

As I pondered who was responsible for this utter and complete fiasco- for which I had actually paid to do (talk about adding insult to injury)- I finally settled on someone to place the blame- TRUMP!

On the ride back on this very rough back road, a young man ahead of us on the deserted road appeared out of no where and pulled a small rope across the road, evidently intending to bar our route (though he held the rope in his hand and it was little more than twine).  In any case, the driver stopped, rolled down his window and gave him a dollar and we then motored on unmolested.  It felt like being bothered by some two bit medieval tollkeeper.  

Now off to Amazonia and the jungle for 4 days.  No internet until I return to Quito on Thursday night. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha as trump frequently says “I get blamed for everything” which cracks me up every time I hear it. Now I know he’s right!
    The “toll taker” is very funny. Steep prices but I guess that’s what u pay for advanced technology
