Saturday, February 12, 2022

Quilatoa and affluent pigs

 I set off this morning with a guide to find the legendary but perhaps mythical lake called by the indigenous folk, Quilota, which means legendary and mythical lake in Kichwi, the native tongue..  At least that is my understanding from my renowned skill with languages.  Disembarking from his pick up truck, we passed a few tourist stands and the information center and set off into the wilds of the remote Andes.  After some days (minutes?) of bushwacking, EUREKA!!!  We found it -

I would imagine it will become quite the tourist attraction now. EWe hiked back to our lodge from Quilatoa which surprisingly was only about 8 miles away.  So, we hiked back there through a small canyon and back to the Black Sheep Inn.  It did not seem so small hiking out of it, but we Quilatoa is over 12k' high.

Along the way, we saw this married couple of pigs who appeared quite affluent as they had a 2 story abode-

Not sure whether Mr. or Mrs pig had the better digs.  

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos, Ken! How are you doing with the altitude?
