Thursday, February 22, 2018

family support and death pool

If you are to embark on a solo trip to So. Africa and the dark continent, which is not without some risk, one really can use the support and encouragement of one's family and friends.  In this regard, I am certainly fortunate.

Before I left, whenever any bad news occurred re So. Africa or Zimbabwe, I got almost instant messages from family members alerting me to the potential dangers and what was perhaps in store for me.  When there was news recently of a poacher being killed, eaten and then decapitated by lions near Kruger NP, I got emails right away with grisly pictures of the poacher's remains and head.  My son in law urged me not to take any bathroom breaks on the hiking safari.  ,Frequent stories of political unrest, tourist muggings, statistics on hippo killings, ANC killings and the like, were all forwarded, no doubt designed to set me at ease.   Somehow no good news was ever sent.

When I told my support group that I was thinking of doing one of the world's highest zip line near Cape Town- see youtube video of Cape Canopy tours- I got statements like 'With your fear of heights?'  "I wouldn't do it'  "How are you going to navigate that hanging bridge much less the zip line?'  'What if you panic?

But I think my brother George  captured the family sentiment nearly perfectly with his suggestion of a 'death pool' re the trip with different possibilities including-

-     Killed and eaten by lions like the poacher
-     Killed by a charging rhino on walking safari
-     Killed by muggers in Cape Town while fleeing
-    Killed by somehow landing on the wrong side of an ANC faction
_    Killed by malaria or other disease
-    Killed by hippo when leaning over rail on dinner cruise on the Zambezi River
-   Killed by fright on the zip line
-   Killed by notoriously bad SA drivers

Geo was hoping to get the lions if he got the top spot in the pool ( which he opined would be at least an interesting way to go).

Needless to say, I am grateful for such a support group. 

Some pics in next blog. 


  1. No idea why we didn't do a death pool for Australia, come to think of it. Could've done snakes, spiders, sharks, jellyfish at least! No decapitating lions or thugs limits the options somewhat though I guess.

    - Sam

  2. I vote for the "Death by ANC faction." - Andrea

  3. Why wasn't I in on this? I think I'd go with a severe case of African jock itch!

  4. Given that we are undergoing everything from pink eye to skin infections, we declare for malaria as the possible silent executioner of mighty Ken Kaulbach.


  5. Do you have to be one of the privileged Football Pool members to qualify for the Death Pool, that's what I want to know.

  6. Having seen all the pics I think death by warthog or whirlpool, or warthog IN whirlpool (deadly combo). Looks and sounds like a stunning trip I want to go!!
