On my second day in Cape Town, I planned to hike famous Table Mtn. Of course, being naturally prudent, I asked the owner of the B&B where I was staying for any advice. He asked me whether I was hiking alone. The guide books advised against, I knew.. I looked around the breakfast area at these happy relaxed, middle aged English guests (tons of Brits here), and said I believe so. Any reason I should not?
Well, he said, we advise against it for general safety reasons.
What safety reasons specifically I inquired.
Well, the trail you are going to hike is popular but quite steep and you might twist your ankle, lose your way or perhaps get bitten by a snake.
Snakes!?! What the heck? Had I landed back in Australia by mistake? I thought I had left those behind! Would I have to add that to the death pool list now? Wasn't it long enough already?
Anyway, I decided snakes were old hat and headed off. Of course, Cape Town is in the midst of a record drought. It has not rained much in months...so I thought at least I would have a nice clear hiking day. Of course it was raining and completely overcast as I started. Slippery when wet.... With my renowned luck, all they needed was for me to come and do some hiking and voila! Drought ameliorated (sadly, not really- it rained but not much- just enough to ruin the views).
Anyway, I hiked up- about 2200 ft of vertical- and took the cable car down. Some pics of Lions Head and the city-
Looking towards the Cape of Good Hope-
Then for some unknown reason, I got into my head to hike Lions Head as well, as I read it was only 1 hour to the top and I had a little time. Unsurprisingly, this turned out to be a mistake. It was longeer, harder and more crowed than I imagined (hundreds were hiking it). Moreover, the views were similar to a smaller hill that I drove to before, so I gained little for my pain. Some pics tho (first ones looking to the Cape of GH)-
And our hiking traveler atop LH-
Looking northwest-
Next blog from the most beautiful wine region in the world....
I have looked at these pictures several times to find the views ruined by the rain, but no luck. All the views look totally and in all other ways amazing.