Monday, March 9, 2020

That's All Folks

Well, after leaving the Rio Pacaure, I journeyed back over the mountains to the San Jose Airport and the CoronaVirus.  It was a relaxing trip at night along twisting mountain roads in a fog with the usual  motor bikes and crazy Costa Rica drivers, but I eventually made it, more or less in one piece.  So ended my Costa Rica sojurn, thankfully more with a whimper than a 'BANG!!' (as in a head on collision). 

As an experienced traveler, one thing I do pride myself on is never falling for cheap 'souvenirs' or tourist trinkets, baubles and such.  But then again, there is the 'sunset deal'-

You should hear the whistle from this genuine Toucan, though I can't seem to quite do it like the CR hawker who sold it to me for a great deal.

So ended my short CR journey and adventure made up of volcanoes, superman and tarzan swings, screeching monkeys, 10m jumps, lost car keys, flat tires, ditches, potholes, deserted beaches, sleeping sloths, clouds, forests, golden toads, amateur surfers, pounding surf, warm water, water falls, good food, great fruit and some of the friendliest and most helpful people anywhere.

thanks for reading

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