Sunday, March 1, 2020

hanging bridges and the jungle

I spent my 2nd day in CR heading deeper into the jungle where I found the natives had erected some rickety hanging bridges over some deep chasms-

I did manage to spot some sort of rare and exotic bird-

(looked like an overgrown robin to me, though bird watching is big here)

But to capture the fast moving Toucan, one had to have really good and quick photographic skills

I did see a few monkeys in their natural habitat, though not enough to fill a barrel-

The jungle is indeed dense and more than once I had to wield my machete to hack my way through-

At night, I came upon an undiscovered hot spring deep inside a cave-

I did stumble upon a big jungle water fall.  Ever since dangling my legs over Victoria Falls, I have had a penchant for swimming near falls-

It was well that I hiked around the volcano yesterday (not possible to climb- thank goodness as I would hate to have to undertake that).  But still a spectacular mountain-

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