Thursday, March 5, 2020

Howling Monkeys and Sleepy Sloths

My last full day in Montezuma I went to the locally famous waterfall where you can jump off a 10 meter high rock next to the falls.  When first I saw it, I thought that looks more like 6 or 7 meters to me, but when I got to the top of the rock, I thought 'this looks more like 15 meters to me-

I left the Southern Nicoya peninsula and journeyed down the Pacific coast to the country's most famous national park, Manuel Antonio, or maybe its Antonio Manuel- I hate people with 2 first names.  As I heard it is very popular, i made sure to get there early to beat the crowd-

It is renowned for its beaches and wildlife, particularly monkeys-  4 different types- and sloths- 2 types.  Sloths evidently come in the 2 and 3 toed variety, with one being slightly more advanced in mathematics than the other (evidently a 'right brain', 'left brain' situation).  I did see some sloths in the trees and would post some photos, but they simply look like unmoving blobs in the trees (regardless of how many toes they have).  I did learn that their metabolism is so slow that they only descend to the ground to poop every 8 days or so.  Now that is slow digestion and I guess it takes weeks or maybe even months, if you are sloth, to figure out if you are constipated. 

Monkeys I both heard and saw-

 The howling monkey is really loud and well, has quite a howl.  Not sure what they are howling about, though perhaps the heat as it was a torrid day in the park today.

As I said, ,the park is also famous for its beaches, with one of them being perhaps the most famous in Costa Rica-

After hiking around the park, I longed to find a spot in the shade on the beach to cool off and get out of the blistering sun.  The beach was somewhat crowded, but then I found a nice isolated spot.  Just as I settled down and started to doze off, someone spotted a sloth in the tree above my head and a herd almost trampled me to get some photos-

So I moved down the beach and settled next to a couple that was eating their lunch.  But that drew monkeys and that again almost got me squashed in my little spot in paradise by the photographic crowd.

Still, it is quite a pretty place-

And you don't see these on every beach-

But I did have to stay almost incognito to avoid the blistering sun.  Doesn't everyone go to the beach dressed like this? 


  1. Wow. I didn't realize monkeys were such chronic scowlers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes they look quite disapproving and ready to give you a quick rap on the knuckles.

