Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Great Caucasus

 Apart from the usual blisters and getting lost, today’s hike offered few droll signs (normally doing my  humor work  for me) and just your ordinary spectacular scenery.  So (mercifully for the reader) I will let the pictures speak for themselves for once- 

Hiking in the Caucasus requires a certain style shall we say   Red bootlaces are almost de rigeur-

I always try to fit in. I think a lot of people took me for a local. The Svaneti region of Georgia is famous for its medieval stine towers which you see in all of the villages  it is kind of like they could not afford real castles so they settled in these poor man versions-

Stayed in a very nice Inn last night in a village in the Caucasus. It was basic but super clean and comfortable. Had beer and then dinner with 2 young (late 20s) Danish guys who were way fun- very intelligent and quite well informed about US politics.  One of the things i love about this kind of travel.

  But then  I got the bill for my stay in the Zhabeshi guesthouse this morning and was aghast at the price gouging -

Room ($18), dinner ($11), breakfast ($6), 2 beers and bottled water- $4 for grand total of about $39  Yeah there was a lot of food but I left in disgust at the ridiculous prices  wish I hadn’t had that 2nd beer 

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