Sunday, February 26, 2017

Not so much the Blue as Misty Mountains...

Left the comfortable confines of the Hunter Vallley wine region and traveled to the famous Blue Mountains.  The mountains are called blue because they allegedly give off a 'blue' tinge as the result of the eucalyptus trees.  But the day and half I was there they only gave off a 'grey mist', as it was misty and rainy the entire time.  

As I have noted previously, the Aussie tend to be big on signs and directions.  Before setting off on my hike, I stopped in to the public restroom where I found the following helpful instructions-

For the record, I took care to follow the instructions precisely. (And also for the record, the instructions notwithstanding, I was in the men's room). 

My 2.5 hour hike provided  very limited views of the famous 3 Sisters and sheer cliffs of the Blue Mountains, which is a shame, as what I saw seemed quite impressive.  However, the hike was still worthwhile as it still revealed the different flora and fauna of Australia (I saw a couple of interesting birds). 

I did see another snake, but was entirely unfazed-

Tomorrow the long 6 hour drive to Mt. Kosciuzko- and a hike of the highest mountain in Australia. Mountains about 90 miles west of Sydney.  

1 comment:

  1. I challenge you to find the solitary half-wit who at once lacks the judgement to know the proper resting place of thoroughly used TP and yet miraculously has the intelligence to read, interpret and implement the sign's directive. If I were an Aussie tax payer, I would be peeved.
