Sunday, February 12, 2017

In route to Australia..

With my initial Aussie post, I wanted to recognize a few family members and friends who encouraged and inspired me to take the trip and who provided some keen insights into the land Down Under  

 First, there was my friend Craze (aka Rich A) who upon learning of my plans, said" Did you know that 8 of the 10 most deadly creatures on earth live there?  A lot of things can kill you there."

Next, my daughter Emily, who upon learning of my impending visit to the Great Barrier Reef, did some research and then helpfully informed me  " You know, 6 people died on the GBR last year, most by poisonous jelly fish.  But one guy did die of stroke after being stung so maybe he doesn't count."

Finally, my brother Andy, who when discussing the long flights to Perth, helpfully opined "Those are god awful flights. 15 hours from LA to Sydney?  It is going to be horrible.  I would be going stir crazy.  I am glad I am not going."

Speaking of the dangerous snakes, spiders, etc., Down Under, I did get a lot of useful advice, such as this comment from my brother, George- "Don't die."  Or this from another friend "Be careful!"  Advice you can truly act on.  I feel better already.

Would take a picture of the Philly Airport- my first stop- but, well, it might take away somewhat from the exotic adventure aura.


  1. Here are some key links for those interested in my deep pontifications:

    Veni, Vidi, Vici Dad...oops, wrong country!

  2. Always great to have such supportive family members and friends ;)

  3. I can't wait to hear about your 15 hour flight.
