Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Italian police and ceremonial military certainly have very nice uniforms- high polished boots, etc.  But I have never actually seen them chase down a pick pocket- mostly they just seem to talk to their fellow, stylishly dressed carbineri. And the military has not been much feared since Roman times, but they do look gorgeous in their uniforms.

Of course, lots of churches in Rome from different eras, including an outdoor one apparently dedicated to the ubiquitous Roman motor scooter-

Visited the Pantheon today.  Never knew that it was so perfectly round- as tall as it is wide.  Has to be my favorite Roman building with its beautiful dome.  I have always liked coffered ceilings (Pantheons was just cleaned), but never had the Emperor Hadrian"s budget or labor force.

Anyway, it was good to know that some Roman legionairres are still on the job-

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