Monday, April 20, 2015

Ok, well, as I got no answers to my questions about famous people from my 3 chillen, I can see that I wasted about $300k+ on their collective educations.  I would have thought they could at least have identified the fellow in the blue coat in front of St. Peters square.

Visited Ostia on Saturday.  It is a lot like Pompeii, as I recall Pompeii anyway, but a lot closer to Rome (45 minutes total) and not at all crowded.  Like many Roman towns, they had extensive public baths.  And adjacent to the baths, they had public toilets where privacy was evidently not a big concern-

I think the best you could hope for was an end seat.  Looks like a scuptor captured this fellow look while he was standing in line-

They say that they used sponges (hanging below where the waterr was constantly piped in) instead of TP.  Thankfully none have been recovered from the archeological dig yet.

There is also a well preserved tavern/bar in Ostia.  Could see myself ordering a beer here and taking it out into the courtyard-

Visited the Capitoline museum the next day.  Quite a few statues from Ancient Rome, including the famous Dying Gaul (no sense asking you people to identify)-


  1. I did respond but it didn't post. I'll respond again: Augustus, Michelangelo, Plato and Aristotle (tutor of Alexander the Great), Dante (?), and the Master of Ping Pong. Hopefully this will work.

  2. You have to post twice for whatever reason for it to post. It's done that to everyone. I'll have to take a look but I didn't think that was Dante. The first four were easy. The last one I'm still thinking over, but I don't recall him to be the master of much, anyway.
