Sunday, May 21, 2023

Self Improvement, Lawns, Car Heaven and Fords

 One of the benefits of traveling with your brother is the nearly endless opportunities for self improvement.  Geo never fails to take the opportunity to offer constructive and unconstructive criticism with the undoubted good intention of helping me improve myself, though I am not sure I mentioned that as one of my trip objectives.  It does seem like the unconstructive criticism might outweigh the constructive by a small amount, however.  Maybe by a good margin. Overwhelming majority.  Not sure if there has been any of the former that I can now recall.

The British really should look to Sam and other Americans re how to grow a lawn-

And they could learn a think or two from Clay and others about haying a field-

Ancient churches, including a Saxon one (ie.pre- 1066), abound in the Cotswold-

I think this ceiling, though restored, was from the 1200s.  It was beautiful.  

Clearly religion is important to the English and they take it seriously for more than just people as this sign attested-

Hopefully heaven is better for humans than for cars if this is an example of one which made it-

Today we cycled by, around, over and through some English streams.  Like some knight of old, Geo fearlessly crossed this ford on his intrepid steed-

It is not like those shots were staged or anything and when I yelled "Action!" I was really talking to another tourist.  

Like the 'Crook House' earlier, some places make no bones about their intent to fleece  tourists-

The Cotswold was made wealthy by the wool trade in the 1300s and 1400s, but now it seems to thrive based on a different type of fleece- 

Geo found us a great deal on this quaint but slightly little cramped bnb-

The man can spot a deal. 

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