Saturday, February 29, 2020

street signs and sea turtles

I arrived at the San Jose Airport in Costa Rica and picked up my rental car.  The rental car was reasonably priced, but for some reason my driving record must have preceded me as the cost of the insurance doubled the price of the car.  This despite the fact that declined all insurance.  Not sure how the Costa Rican police discovered my penchant for speeding but there you go.  A huge insurance premium and a mere $3000 deposit and I was on my way. 

As a novel approach to navigation, there are no street signs in Costa Rica.  Perhaps they did away with them when they abolished the army.  Or perhaps their teenagers went on one of those sign vandalizing binges and wiped them all out.   Everyone apparently relies on Waze.  But what did people do before Waze and the internet?   Maybe they used Google Maps.  Or maybe they just went where the road took them and settled down in place. 

 In any case, my BnB was located less than 1km from the airport and.... I arrived about 1 hour later (after having passed the no name street maybe 5-6 times.  Waze in Spanish is not all that easy. 

But wildlife abounds in Costa Rica and I did manage to spot a sea turtle my first night-

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