Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Well, our Dolomite adventure got off to an unexpected start.   Apparently because of a printer error according to our pilot- addfing new meaning to aircraft mechanical problems-  our plane from Boston to Philly was delayed and we landed with only about 8 minutes to make our connection (the aircraft push off guys also got fed up with the printer delay and had to be recalled from their break after somone got the paper unstuck from the printer).  So, Clay and I grabbed our backbacks and ran for it (the elderly couple in front of us never had a chance). 

 The problem was that it turned out to be over 1 mile (several terminals) away.  Running in hiking boots with a 25lb pack through the airport as fast as we could with Clay yelling "On your left!" was not exactly what I had in mind as a peaaceeful vacation start.  I felt like I was in some nightmare where I had joined the Marines at age 60+ and had been shipped off to Paris Island for basic training.  I have never been so exhausted in my life when I finally saw the gate in sight ahead and heard Clay yelling "Venice!  Venice!" like he was hailing  a taxi.  If  Clay had not raced ahead, we likely wouldnt have made it.  We got there utterly breathless with chests heaving and the attendant said they were just about to close door and had given our seats away (so much for my hope that they were going to hold the plane for u ).  He told us, though that we could find seats somewhere and I said, "Yeah, we will get here earlier next time".   We were the last aboard, dripping sweat and a bit traumatized.  

Who knew that the most strenuous part of a hiking vacatiion would occur at the Philly apirport?  I am looking forward to climbing mountains to take it easy.  


  1. Well that seems to be par for the course for you quite frankly. Remember running 2 miles to the train with 28 lbs. packs wearing birkenstocks because someone who shall remain nameless left their boot in the canned goods pantry? I remember people in flop sweats.

  2. Just seems like you were getting some last minute conditioning to me.
